Oishii means “yummy” or “tasty” in japanese, and agedashi tofu is tasty indeed.
But more importantly, agedashi tofu is a great example of washoku, a tradition in Japan that encompasses the knowledge, practices and making of food. Washoku was recently added to the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage List, but by many accounts, the knowledge and traditions around washoku are in danger of being lost.
But here in Halifax, Ami Goto from Dharma Sushi is keeping those traditions alive. In the latest episode of Assis Toi – which you can stream here, thanks to Information Morning Moncton, or download the podcast here – I had the chance to visit with Ami where we talk about washoku, what it means to her, and how tasty it can be.
In the episode, Ami makes agedashi tofu, a deep-fried and crispy treat bathing in a flavoursome broth. Ami wasn’t able to supply a recipe, but I did find this recipe (and video!) on Just One Cookbook which is one of the best I have found out there. Check it out, and happy eating. Itadakimasu!
Tagged: Assis Toi, Dharma Sushi, Podcasts, Simon Thibault